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Researcher in Applied Nuclear Physics in Non-destructive measurement techniques for nuclear non-proliferation, detection and characterization of nuclear materials and radioactive waste
The Nuclear Physics Division within the Department of Physics at KTH in collaboration with SSM – The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority – seeks an outstanding researcher to conduct research on the development of radiation detection and imaging systems for applications in nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation, nuclear security and related areas. An important part of the work is design and analysis of detection systems and techniques for non-destructive analysis (NDA) of nuclear materials using numerical simulation codes, laboratory measurements and measurements in the field.
Read more about what it is like to work at KTH
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in experimental nuclear/particle physics, nuclear engineering or a related subject area. Candidates may not have received their Ph.D. from KTH.
Demonstrated relevant experience in experimental nuclear and radiation science, in particular detection techniques for neutron and gamma radiation. Applicants should also have documented skills in advanced data analysis techniques and demonstrate good scientific programming skills. Experience from using advanced Monte Carlo simulation tools for modelling radiation transport and detection is required. An excellent command of the English language is required.
Preferred qualifications
We are primarily seeking a young researcher in a relatively early stage of her/his career, with a doctoral typically obtained significantly less than ten years prior to the application deadline.
Demonstrated experience from algorithm development for digital signal processing and advanced statistical analysis is desired. Demonstrated experience from active and/or passive interrogation methods for nuclear materials is a merit. Documented training from international programmes in nuclear safeguards and security is a merit.
Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team. We value accuracy, scientific integrity, excellent interpersonal skills and strong organizational ability highly. The successful candidate will show evidence of, or a strong potential for, the ability to carry out excellent research in an area that is relevant for the project. You should also have an awareness of diversity and equal opportunity issues, with specific focus on gender equality and suitability.
Great emphasis will be placed on personal competency.
You will find contact information to trade union representatives at KTH's webbpage.
Log into KTH's recruitment system in order to apply to this position. You are the main responsible to ensure that your application is complete according to the ad. Your complete application must be received at KTH no later than the last day of application.
The application must include:
Your complete application must be received by KTH no later than the last day of application, midnight CET/CEST (Central European Time/Central European Summer Time).
The employment is valid for a limited time according to the agreement - Initially 1 year with expected extension to 2 years (1+1).
Striving towards gender equality, diversity and equal conditions is both a question of quality for KTH and a given part of our values.
For information about processing of personal data in the recruitment process please read here.
We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.
Disclaimer: In case of discrepancy between the Swedish original and the English translation of the job announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence
Type of employment | Temporary position |
Contract type | Full time |
First day of employment | 1 februari 2022, eller enligt överenskommelse |
Salary | Månadslön |
Number of positions | 1 |
Full-time equivalent | 100 % |
City | Stockholm |
County | Stockholms län |
Country | Sweden |
Reference number | S-2021-1767 |
Contact |
Published | 30.Nov.2021 |
Last application date | 03.Jan.2022 11:59 PM CET |