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Solliciteer op de functie van Doktorand inom radarsystem

1. Describe in maximum 500 characters why you are interested in this particular Doctoral student-position and project, and what makes you in particular qualified for the position? *

0 / 500

2. Describe in maximum 500 characters what you think you can contribute with to the project and the research group. *

0 / 500

3. Please list in no more than 1000 characters your primary experiences in RF/microwave design/simulation work, and, if applicable, practical experience with electrical measurement equipment, in particular for high frequencies! *

0 / 1000

4. Describe in a maximum of 1000 characters your previous experiences in writing or contributing to scientific publications, or research reports. *

0 / 1000
Toegestane bestandsformaten: pdf, txt, rtf, docx, doc, odt, png, jpg, tiff, gif. Max grootte bestand: 100MB
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